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Douglas Spencer


The Trick To Going Viral

“I want to hire you to make my company go viral!” Seems easy enough, I’ll just work my Social Media Magic, say the magic word, and it’ll happen! Alas, it…
Douglas Spencer
November 16, 2017

Brand Minute: Thanksgiving

How will you thank your clients and customers this year? Take a minute with Douglas' newest Brand Out Minute! Full transcription below. Hi, Douglas Spencer here with Spencer Brenneman, and…
Douglas Spencer
October 16, 2017

Cannabis Branding

Here’s a conundrum for you: how do you go about cannabis branding if you cannot trademark your business? How can you trademark something that’s not legal -- everywhere? In “Protecting…
Douglas Spencer
September 27, 2017

Blending merging brands?

A colleague recently shared with me that her company is facing an acquisition. Although she remains positive, there is always a certain amount of trepidation that comes along when merging…
Douglas Spencer
August 26, 2017

CMO Branding: New BFFs

CMO branding! Like everything, the role of the modern Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) keeps changing. From a greater responsibility for impacting sales to higher expectations around ROI, CMOs have a…
Douglas Spencer
July 30, 2017

Brand Minute: The Keurig Brand

Douglas takes a minute to explain why everyone should have a solid understanding of your brand, using the Keurig brand as an example. Full transcription below. Hi, Douglas Spencer with…
Douglas Spencer
July 20, 2017