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Introducing List Bump

Lists of Actionable Insights for Better Branding, Messaging, and Marketing! In this concise and invaluable book, Spencer Brenneman Founder Douglas Spencer presents a compilation of advice derived from nine years of insightful blog posts. With 41 different lists thoughtfully categorized into four sections, this book is a treasure trove of actionable insights that will elevate your organization’s brand strategy, management, verbal and visual identity, and general management practices.

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In the Brand Strategy section, discover ways to drive long-term success by harnessing the power of your organization’s brand. From positioning strategies to key messaging techniques, these lists will guide you toward building a strong foundation for your brand’s growth.

The Brand Management lists will equip you with day-to-day approaches to both protect and enhance your brand. Explore proven tactics for engaging with stakeholders, maintaining brand consistency, and nurturing brand loyalty.
Your brand’s verbal and visual identity is crucial for making a lasting impression. Dive into the lists under Verbal and Visual Identity to uncover insights on creating an authentic, compelling, and memorable brand, all while maintaining consistency across every touchpoint.

While the focus of this book is undoubtedly branding, the General Management section offers valuable suggestions for anyone responsible for managing people or projects. Benefit from Douglas Spencer’s over 30 years of experience as he shares his insights on leadership, teamwork, and project management.

Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting out, List Bump promises to deliver on its commitment to provide you with actionable insights for better branding, messaging, and marketing. Don’t miss this opportunity to tap into the expertise of a seasoned branding strategist. Grab your copy now and unlock the power of lists for your brand’s success!

About the Author, Douglas Spencer

Douglas Spencer has more than 20 years of marketing experience, working with professionals from around the world in verticals such as financial and professional services, healthcare, media and nonprofit. Before starting Spencer Brenneman he was most recently Vice President, Global Head of Brand Management for Thomson Reuters, a leading provider of intelligent information with offices in more than 100 countries worldwide. In that role, he guided the migration of the multiple Thomson and Reuters businesses to form the new Thomson Reuters brand which consistently ranked within the top 50 of Interbrand’s Best Global Brands survey.

Douglas is a frequent speaker on how strong brands improve business performance through strategic alignment, employee engagement, brand governance, verbal and visual identities and more.

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