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How will you thank your clients and customers this year? Take a minute with Douglas’ newest Brand Out Minute!
Full transcription below.
[00:00:00] Hi, Douglas Spencer here with Spencer Brenneman, and I have a Brand Out Minute just for the folks in the United States.


[00:00:07] I apologize if you’re from elsewhere, but this one’s really not going to be for you. This one’s just for the Yanks, and I apologize to the Yanks because I’m gonna bring up Thanksgiving, and I know we’re all, we’re all buried under Christmas and Halloween and all the holidays come at us so quickly, so I hesitate to bring up one that’s six to seven weeks away.

[tweetshare tweet=”A brand is the emotional connection a customer has with your company, or with what you offer. And, Thanksgiving’s a great way to bolster that connection.” username=”SB_Branding”] [00:00:31] But, here’s something to think about. Thanksgiving often gets overlooked I think in a pretty obvious way. Now, remember a brand is the emotional connection a customer has with your company, or with what you offer. And, I think Thanksgiving’s a great way to bolster that connection.


[00:00:49] Consider sending a thank you to all of your customers, or prospects, and just thank them for doing business with you, for their interest in you, and that’s it. I would not couple it with an offer. I wouldn’t suggest that you try to get them to download something or reach out to anybody.

[tweetshare tweet=”Consider sending a thank you to all of your customers, or prospects, and just thank them for doing business with you, for their interest in you.” username=”SB_Branding”] [00:01:06] A simple, ‘Thank you for being part of our business,’ and that’s all you need. I think that would really go a long way. So you better start planning now because it is only six weeks away or so but, just a thought for a Brand Out Minute.


[00:01:22] Hope you are having a great day and we’ll talk again. Bye!

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