When you think of an annual report, what comes to mind? For most, if it comes to mind at all, it’s pages and pages of dense content covering financial statements, a year’s worth of activity, and projections for the year ahead. There are profiles of all the organization’s c-suite, its board of directors, and boring chart after chart after chart.
It doesn’t have to be that way! Enter the digital Annual Report! Digital annual reports have the potential to:
- Attract new stakeholders, retain existing stakeholders, and turn readers into donors and partners;
- Work for you throughout the year, not just at launch;
- Bring your story to life through different media;
- Showcase your work in a different context;
- Shape and promote the narrative of your story;
- Counter misconceptions;
- Serve as a benchmark that, over time, demonstrates your positive growth; and
- Tie your successes to the careful management of your bottom line.
The annual report should not be thought of as a separate exercise from the brand messaging strategy of an organization, according to award-winning annual report expert and Spencer Brenneman collaborator Katharine Ramsden.
“Annual reports shouldn’t be orphans, once-a-year exercises,” she says. “They should be part of the rhythm of an organization’s operations and communication strategy.”
In our white paper, “Annual Reports: More like Perennial Reports!” we explore:
- How to integrate a digital annual report into your operations;
- What your report should and shouldn’t contain;
- The characteristics of a really strong one; and
- Plus, much more!
Download your free copy of the report now.