Episode Summary
Some ideas are easy to communicate. Others are not as easily embraced. Our guest for this Messaging on a Mission episode is Paul Rodney Turner, founder of Food for Life Global, the world’s largest vegan food relief with 211 projects in 60 countries serving up to 2 million meals daily. We hear about his journey from monk to the leader of a global nonprofit (as well as billiards champion). Plus, we learn his views on the energetic connection between all living things—and how that connection can help us end world hunger.
Key Takeaways
There’s plenty of food in the world. In fact, the world can produce, the world can feed something like two to three times the population, but they didn’t ask the big question of why is there. I felt like we did have the answer. The reason is that we don’t see ourselves as a global family.
The solution is that if we see ourselves as a global family, then problems like world hunger will disappear. Maybe not overnight, but very fast. That is the solution to all the problems in the world.
To help someone see your point of view, treat them as if there were a friend you are encouraging them to see things from a different perspective.
Use other topics to illustrate your own.
Factory farming or animal agriculture is the biggest contributor to global warming to environmental degradation.
Live your own life, not someone else’s.
About Our Guest
As the founder of Food for Life Global, Paul Rodney Turner is a vegan social entrepreneur trying to make the world a better place. He has more than 35 years of experience in Food Security, Food & Nutrition, World Hunger, and the Nonprofit Sector. Other credits include writing books, spending time as a former monk, winning billiards championships, and running animal sanctuaries.
Food For Life Global is the world’s largest vegan food relief with 211 projects in 60 countries serving up to 2 million meals daily. In fact, Food for Life Global has served over 7.9 billion meals to date and on average can feed someone a completely freshly cooked meal for around 50 cents. They are the most cost-effective hunger-relief organization in the world, which just happens to be vegan.