Remember the black-tie gala? There’s a part of those evenings that can either be painful or hugely entertaining, productive, and moving. Michael Tate, auctioneer and fundraising consultant has mastered how to do the latter. In this episode, we learn about how and why auctioneers must communicate—on the fly—on three different levels: strategically (who is the organization and what is their overall message); emotionally (how’s the room feeling, are they getting it?); and tactically (who’s raising their hand to give money!).
Episode Guest
Micahel Tate. A San Francisco resident since 1998, Michael is an inspired and inspiring auctioneer with a demeanor that endears him to a wide array of audiences. He is unabashedly passionate in his commitment to helping nonprofits achieve their goals. For nearly a decade, he has worked with more than fifty local, national, and international nonprofit organizations to maximize their gala fundraising efforts.
He has a bachelor of arts from Brown University and a law degree from the University of Virginia.
Useful Links
Michael Tate:
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus: