Happy World Tourism Day! Now, that may not be a holiday you have heard of, but it does bring to mind a company you have: Disney!
Disney has theme park locations in Orlando, Anaheim, Tokyo, Paris, the list goes on. And each of these is successful in their own right.
But the question is, how did Disney achieve success in establishing their world tourism brand?
The way Disney knows their guests so well is by listening to what is relevant to their guests, in all of their locations
The answer: by establishing a differentiated meaning for the Disney brand and delivering on this idea exceptionally and consistently.
Let’s take a look at Disney Park’s brand promise. It’s simple, “Disney Parks and Resorts exist to make magical experiences come to life.” Note, in this promise there is nothing about hotel rooms, rides, or attractions. It focuses on what the consumer is going to get out of their experience at a Disney park or resort. Simply put, it is going to be magical.
Disney’s Senior VP, Global Customer Managed Relationships describes how they deliver on this front:
“A good part of [delivering on this promise] is knowing your guest well enough to be relevant to them…We wanted to stay the most trusted provider in the space.”
The needs and interests of your customers may change based on location, but the methodlogy does not.
The way Disney knows their guests so well is by listening to what is relevant to their guests, in all of their locations. The needs and interests may change based on geography, but the methodology does not.
To this point, Disney invests a good amount of capital into their Customer Managed Relationships department. A key piece of this investment goes into technology that is going to enhance the experience of their customers, based on feedback they have provided.
A good example of this is a vacation-planning system called MyMagic+, introduced in 2013. This system includes the use of MagicBands, which allow customers to interact with scanners in the parks.
These bands allow guests to gain access to their rooms, rides, and attractions. They also allow them to customize their schedules, book dinners, and pre-select fast passes. They make their experiences tailored, easy, and ‘magical’.
While many companies struggle to keep up with consumer needs, Disney applies core branding principles to remain the best option in their space, at all times.
No matter the location, guests enjoy the same magical experience, consistently.
— Ryan Kelley, Brand Strategy Account Coordinator