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Newsletter Archive

Our company continues to grow and thrive – and our newsletters have, too! From Branding Bulletin to Focal Point, here’s our complete archive of monthly newsletters that cover multiple topics including messaging tips, brand identity and education, brand highlights, and more.

Depressed woman crossing road

March 2021 Newsletter

At the risk of going all Debbie Downer on you—and please stick with us here, there is a point!—consider these observations and predictions: Rates of depression and anxiety have increased.…
Spencer Brenneman
March 5, 2021

January 2021 Newsletter

UPDATE: We wrote this email before the assault on the U.S. Capitol and its democracy, so a pre-amble seemed in order. In addition to the six suggestions for starting off the new year…
Spencer Brenneman
January 13, 2021

December 2020 Newsletter

Protecting your mission is top of mind for all leaders of mission-driven organizations, but protecting it from what, exactly? There are obvious threats, of course, such as financial insolvency, damaged…
Spencer Brenneman
December 3, 2020
end of year appeal

November 2020 Newsletter

Preparing Your Year-End Appeal A year-end appeal to supporters is challenging in the best of times. How do you approach them in these times? Creatively, thoughtfully, methodically, and strategically. Strategically.…
Spencer Brenneman
November 6, 2020

October 2020 Newsletter

Do you sound like everyone else? A problem that plagues most organizations, whether they are for- or not-for-profit, is falling into the trap of sounding like everyone else. This challenge…
Douglas Spencer
October 9, 2020

September 2020 Newsletter

Welcome to the New Spencer Brenneman! And welcome to Focal Point, Spencer Brenneman's new monthly newsletter. Why the new newsletter? Simple: It matches the new focus of Spencer Brenneman. We…
Douglas Spencer
September 21, 2020