In 2022, Douglas Spencer presented a version of “Want to Save the Word? Change Your Message” to the TopNonProfits Virtual Summit. Although the content is customized for each audience, this presentation snippet demonstrates both its content and his style.
Learn more about Douglas Spencer as a speaker, or email him with any questions!
“Douglas came highly recommended to Internal Comms Pro. His quick wit coupled with his expertise kept our audience engaged throughout. We will definitely partner with Douglas again as he personalized his presentation according to our audience’s needs and delivered practical and tactical takeaways that attendees could implement the very next day. — Sara Jackson, Executive Director & Podcast Host, Internal Comms Pro
“I have seen Douglas Spencer speak informally in front of 10 people and formally in front of 2,000. In every setting, from boardrooms to ballrooms, he is commanding yet relaxed, spontaneous yet on point and humorous yet targeted in his messaging and delivery. He’s a tremendous asset to any gathering where fresh, concise communication matters.” —Liz Page Principal, Liz Page Associates
“Douglas has a gift for public speaking. Pure and simple, a gift. What Douglas is able to accomplish goes beyond having good public speaking skills. He somehow connects with everyone in the room and makes them feel as if he is speaking only to them. I would sign up for any conference where he’s speaking.” — Hakan Sjoo, former Chief Operating Officer EF Education First Ltd.